We dedicate this April’s blog to Stress Awareness Month and what CityWatch, as a company, do to ensure our staff are incentivised and supported.
The 2023 theme for Stress Awareness Month is Anxiety.
WorkSafe Victoria states that “Work-related stress describes an employee's stress response to work-related factors”. As a company compliant to the Occupational Health and Safety Act 2004 (OHS Act) CityWatch strives to provide and maintain a safe, supportive working environment that reduces health risks.
CityWatch’s management consult with our employees to identify hazards and risks associated with work-related stress, thus identifying where we can reduce anxiety. Collecting data through our reporting system, we address matters that directly affect or are likely to affect the health and safety of our employees.
Why we believe it is essential to be aware of stress
As a company CityWatch encourages motivation and professionalism in our staff. This can only occur when our employees feel not only appreciated, but also capable and safe. As an employer we attempt to offer a workplace with a progressive, empathetic and constructive approach to mental health. This means being aware of and open to addressing situations/providing support, particularly where stress levels can potentially blow out.
CityWatch is aware that ongoing stress affects performance, well-being, confidence and motivation in a negative way. If not resolved, stress can lead to out of character changes that may affect the quality of our team’s work.
The behavioural impacts of stress can manifest in:
Physical impacts may include:
Stress can exacerbate psychological conditions such as:
Situations that may cause stress
Factors that contribute to work-related stress can be organisational and environmental; such as a lack of role clarity, ineffective/time consuming procedures, inconsistent application of procedures, bias in the workplace, a lack of support from management, overwork and uncomfortable working conditions – heat, a lack of air quality and loud noise over long working hours.
How CityWatch recognises and addresses stress in the workplace
We aim to help keep our staff feeling supported so they can continue to deliver an exceptional level of customer service. CityWatch have inbuilt procedures to assist our employees in reporting issues, so they can then be resolved. Management are more than aware that our employees are more likely to give their best when they feel valued, and generally less likely to feel anxious if they feel safe at work.
CityWatch has periodic casual lunches so employees can catch up and feel part of a community, not just a workplace.
Our inbuilt procedures for stress management include:
Job Changes/General Capability Issues
If the nature of an employee’s job changes, or there are performance concerns, CityWatch’s management will clarify the level of performance expected with our employee. We will then attempt to assist the employee through training and appropriate supervision so they can meet expectations. CityWatch approaches capability issues in an informal manner, to show our team we want them to succeed. Staff members will be given time and resources to improve, taking some pressure off so they can focus.
Personal Circumstance/Health Issues
Events outside of work can also put pressure on our employees. Personal Circumstances (say the death of a loved one) and health issues may cause employees to be under stress. And if they need time off, they may become anxious about the security of their job. If a situation is likely to be ongoing CityWatch will consult directly with employees to make a decision about future employment in their current role or, where circumstances permit, look at moving to a more suitable role.
CityWatch strives to improve our procedures in offering employee support. Our current stress management strategies take a holistic approach to well-being and include:
As a high-end security provider, we can’t deliver exceptional outcomes if our employees are not supported. CityWatch hopes that Stress Awareness Month 2023 gives an opportunity to reflect on what is working well, look at further opportunities for improvement and to make our workplace as stress free as possible, optimising the output and well-being of our team.
If you’re worried about your own team we can assist by providing security systems that deliver immediate responses to stressful incidents in the workplace such as break ins or fires. Call us during office hours on (03) 9250 4000 for an assessment.
CityWatch’s commitment to improving employee stress levels: An employee perspective
On a personal note, as a CityWatch employee diagnosed with conditions including
Generalised and
Social Anxiety, I can attest to the strong commitment management have made in creating a supportive, flexible, inclusive, aware, and open environment that considers the impacts of stress.
The conditions I manage have been met with transparency, a lack of judgement and a willingness to adjust so I can do my work. This in turn gives me confidence to better manage my conditions, to feel secure in the workplace and the knowledge that I can raise my hand if I need support. Being in a supportive environment with a sophisticated approach to well-being certainly makes a positive difference in my day-to-day outlook. When not at work I manage stress by talking to friends or health professionals, channelling negative energy through boxing and spending time with my cat.
Office Number: 03 9250 4000
Email: sales@citywatchsecurity.com.au
Address: Level 1 225 Brunswick Road, Brunswick VIC 3056
Hours of Operation:
MON – FRI 8:00AM – 5:30PM
Control Room: Open 24/7
After Hours number: 1300 665 300
Licensed by ASIAL (Australian Security Industry Association Limited) in every state by the state
ISO Environmental Quality Compliance 14001:2015 | ISO Quality Assurance Compliance 45001:2018 | ISO Integrated Quality Management Systems Certification 9001:2015